Site News (Update #4)
Posted Wednesday, December 22, 2010 11:47 AM

I am happy to report we now have 45 active members and over 500 hits.  On 12/22 there were 33 messages sent between our members so keep it up!  The big news is with donations we received so far we can keep this site going for a real long time!  Great thanks to those who stepped up and for those who haven't -no time like the present!  A big thanks to PAULETTE for purchasing our new domain name  Its easy to remember (something we are needing more and more these days) and easy to pass on!  If you were using the class creator link it should still work but try changing to the new link as that will be our new name from now on.  Other exciting things:  people who were thought to be lost are starting to show up.  RANDY ESTES located NORMAN BIDWELL after many years.  That's what we're here for!  Hopefully in 2011 there will be other finds and it will be a banner year for getting our membership up!  Currently we onlly have about 15% of the class as members.   All the names that were in our graduating class are registered now so all any body has to do is locate their name and join.  Enjoy the holidays and Merry Christmas to all!