Fall 2022
Posted Wednesday, September 7, 2022 09:19 AM

Howdy folks!  Yours truly is back with another update.  It seems like we are reliving the 70's a little with high gas prices and inflation.  Food prices are up too!  I remember when I used to go TDY in the 80's a General I worked for criticized our TDY expenses- $25 for Dinner .at a restaurant on Long Island.  Nowadays that's about the rate any place you go even for lunch!  On a brighter note, how bout those MHS Arties FB?  They are off to an excellents start with victories over Bloomington South and Greenwood.  Take a look at this article from the Reporter.


UPDATE***  Oct 8th (Saturday)  Jack Bowman is hosting a Fall get-together at his place.  Details to follow!

And again thanks to Paulette I have the MHS Rewind YouTube link where you can watch most games.  Here it is just in case some you other out of staters want to watch..



have a good Fall y'all!

