Fall 2016
Posted Thursday, December 15, 2016 03:11 PM

Well time has flown and once again I find myself saying "I should write something for the website".  Considering my last post was January '16 you can see how often that concern arises.  Seriously, y'all have permission to add things whenever, and if you need help, I can take whatever you send and put it into the format.  It's no big deal!

For openers, we had a great mini-reunion at the Morgan Co Fair in August. thanks to Paulette, Elaine and others who helped set it up.

I was glad I got a chance to make it to this one, as I got to see some classmates I hadn't seen in many years. 

Going back a few months to June, I got to see DON LONG in Va. 

Don is enjoying the good country life in Virginia and he and Ruth have 3 homes I believe that they manage.  Stop by if you are ever there and you will probably be able to get accomodations without too much difficulty!

On a more somber note, our classmate Lewis Johnson recently lost his home on 252 due to a fire from a wood stove malfunction.  Several classmates are reaching out, and I know he would appreciate a call just to say hi.

Also sad news comes from Indianapolis:  Sam Huggins was found dead in his apartment last month, the victim of foul play.  The Star listed him as 'George S (Sam) Huggins' and it appears his suspected killer is in custody.  More info at http://www.indystar.com/story/news/2016/11/12/morgan-county-man-arrested-indy-killing/93738056/

On a positive note, come January, we will have a new administration in DC and regardless of how you feel, the voters turned out in record numbers (especially here in TX) to make their choice.  I hope this next year brings you health, wealth and good news as we say good-by to Obama and hello to our seventh decade.  Cheers!